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Andy Whitfield \ Spartacus \ non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Spartacus Star Andy Whitfield – Dead At 39
Actor Andy Whitfield, who starred in the successful television series “Spartacus: Blood and Sand”, died yesterday in Sydney, Australia where he had lived since 1999. A year and a half ago Whitfield was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer, a rare form of lymphoma cancer. Andy Whitfield lost his battle with lymphoma cancer after 18 months. […]

Niagara Falls \ Horseshoe Falls \ Waterfall
Niagara Falls – Two Dead Bodies
A Japanese woman fell down from the Niagara Falls on the border of Canada and the United States and almost certainly have died. The woman climbed with a friend on the railing to get a better view of the famous Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side. When she wanted to climb back down, she lost […]

Statue of Liberty Will Close For One Year Renovation
The Statue of Liberty will close down for a big renovation project. The renovation project will begin on October 29th, one day after the monument’s 125th anniversary. The renovation will cost at least $27 million. The goal of the Statue of Liberty renovation project is to make the inside of the Statue of Liberty safer […]